How to Get Personal Loan Online : ऑनलाइन से मात्र 5 मिनट में Personal Loan कैसे ले, Loan online apply 2022

How to Get Personal Loan Online : ऑनलाइन से मात्र 5 मिनट में Personal Loan कैसे ले, Loan online apply 2022

HOW TO GET INSTANT PERSONAL LOAN: हेलो दोस्तों नमस्कार स्वागत है आपलोगो हमारे इस आर्टिकल में आप लोग कैसे हैं? आज मैं आप सभी को बताने जा रहा हूं कि Instant personal loan online मदयम से कैसे ले सकते हैं। और ये भी बताऊंगा की कौन कौन लोन ले सकते है और कितना ले सकते है और कितना दिन में Repement कर सकते है और इस लोन को लेने के लिए क्या क्या document लगेगा अगर इस आर्टिकल में Instant personal loan के बारे में जानना चाहते है तो यह आर्टिकल आपके लिए बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है तो आप इस आर्टिकल को ध्यान से अंत तक जरूर पढ़ें। 

दोस्तों कभी कभी ऐसा होता है कि कहीं इमरजेंसी में फंस होते और आपके पास कुछ भी पैसे नहीं होते और ऐसे में कहीं से आपको मदद नहीं मिल पाती है तो एक मात्र ऑप्शन होता है वह लोन लेना होता है वह भी इंस्टेंट यानी कि काफी कम समय में तो आज के इस काठिकल में एशिया के बारे में बताने वाले हैं।

इस इंसटेंट पर्सनल लोन में आपको 10 मिनट के अंदर लोन मिल जाएगा और लोन लिया हुआ पैसा आपके अकाउंट में 10 मिनट के अंदर आ जाएगा। अब मैं आपको बताता हूं कि लोन किस एप्लीकेशन के माध्यम से लिया जाएगा और कितना लोन ले सकते हैं। इंस्टेंट पर्सनल लोन kreditbe एप्लीकेशन से लिया जाएगा और यह एप्लीकेशन आपके फोन में playstore में मिल जाएगा।

How to Get Personal Loan Online

इस एप्लीकेशन में आप 1000 से 300000 तक का लोन ले सकते हैं और ये पूरा काम ऑनलाइन 10 मिनट के अंदर हो जाएगा और लोन लिया हुआ पेमेंट आपके अकाउंट में 10 मिनट के अंदर ट्रांसफर हो जाएगा। ये kredit be जो कंपनी है इसमें NBFCs/Bank के सहारे आप सभी को लोन देती है। Kreditbee company government के rule के हिसाब से काम करती है personal loan अब यह कैसे लेना है इसकी पूरी जानकारी नीचे दी गई है इस आर्टिकल आप ध्यानपूर्वक अंत तक पढ़ें।

दोस्तो अब हम बताने बाला हूँ Instant personal loan के बारे में इसमे हम personal loan 40,000 से 1,50,000 तक ले सकते है इसे हम 3 से 12 महीना के अंदर EMI पे repement कर सकते है। और जो Salaried व्यक्ति है उसे 10,000 से 3,00,000 तक की लोन मिल सकती है जिसे 3 से 24 महीना के अंदर आप Repement कर सकते है और जो तुरंत Personal loan लेने वाले व्यक्ति है उसे 1,000 से 50,000 तक की लोन मिल सकती है जिसे 2 से 10 दिन के अंदर Repement कर सकते है और आप ऑनलाइन शॉपिंग के लिए भी लोन ले सकते है।

Instant personal loan के लिए apply कैसे किया जाता है 

आप सभी भाई बंधुओं को मैं बताते चलें कि अब आप सबको नीचे यह बताया जाएगा कि इंस्टेंट पर्सनल लोन किस तरह से लिया जाना है तो चलिए शुरू करते हैं:

  • सबसे पहले क्रेडिट बी पर्सनल लोन एप प्ले स्टोर में जाकर के डाउनलोड करें.

First of all you will open the credit app, then first of all it will give you the option to change the language in it, then you first choose the language according to you, then what I told you, which loan will be available, the same will come on your screen to apply for the loan.

Click on the option given to sign up for it, after that you will get a flexi person on your screen that what documents will be required in this and how much should be the age in it and how much loan you want to take and for how long you will You can deposit and how much interest you will get, if you want to apply, then you will get the option of signup below, click on the same, then you will tilak the mobile number here, then you will turn on the condition, after that the mobile number you have tilak on the same OTP will go then you have to click on submit, after clicking on submit, some condition will be given here because the app is a creditb loan app, you have to read the net condition well, in this the option of KYC will also be available, after that you have to agree So only after doing this the message of concentration comes.

If you or you come to know that you have become eligible for the loan, then it is very important for you to have KYC first for this loan, then click on Continue Application for KYC, then you will get four options on the screen. Comes।



First of all, you will get the option of KYC document, you have to upload it by posting the address, then you have to capture the selfie, in just post you will get the option one aadhar card second post normal you people have aadhar card click on it you will get two options First paper less aadhaar second aadhaar local that you can apply, so here we just have to click on this basis and continue then after that put your aadhar number after that the caption code which will be given here bo fill up Then here you will get the option of submit, after that we have to click on continue, then here we will see that the section of the aadhar is complete, Then after that we will see people in the option of selfie.

If you have to upload the shilpi, then you have to click on the selfie in it, then it has been told that here you do not have to put any meat and there is no sunglasses in it and do not wear any capuse like you will click on the photo capture Then your photo will start being captured on the screen, then you can click the photo. If you want to take a selfie then the process will be complete, submit it after it is done! 

After that you will get the option of second step video KYC, now you have to click on it, in that you will get your KYC done by Credit B’s team through video call, then you will ask for PAN card, you will have to give it, then you will see it by getting you signed.

After that you have some internet condition to do all this, you have to read and accept it then click on start video call like click, then here you will get an option whether your PAN card is made or not if PAN If the card is not there, then the loan will not be available because it is very important to have a PAN card for the loan, then click on the start video call here, then you have to allow the microphone and camera here, then it will take some time here then it is complete.

After that you will see that some team of the bank will be connected on your video call, then here then you have to click on continue, then you will see that it has been completed here for two times, after that we come.


Option 3 in General Information, General Information has to be clicked on it, after clicking here you will get some option whether Married or Unmarried, what is the educational qualification, after that you have to go into the operation and what are you and what Let’s do that thing and after doing something, if it is okay then it has to be corrected, after that by going to the type of president, he has to click on it, you have your own house or rent or office, click on it Dena After doing so much, come now.


In reference, you will have to give a reference of 2 people, one of your other family member, but if you want to add anyone in the family, then first add his/her name and then his/her mobile number, then click on the friend reference.

You have to enter the name of the friend then the mobile number of the friend, then you have to go and continue, then it will be shown here that the loan process is complete, it will take about 5 to 7 minutes for you guys to verify me.

After that, according to your civil, you will get the option of loan as much as you want to take, you can transfer it to your bank by clicking on it, then after that you will get some repayment option after opening this app again to repay the loan.

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